DEVIL (2010)
Say what you will about M. Night Shyamalamadingdong, but I usually like his movies. I loved The Sixth Sense
What I think DEVIL has going for it, is that M. Night is creator of the "story" and nothing else. It's an interesting concept, oh yeah and it stars Bokeem Woodbine.
MACHETE (2010)
Do I even need to explain?
So there's a lesbian porn being released soon, starring your two favourite eighties crushes - Tiffany and Debbie Gibson (sorry, Deborah Gibson). Oh wait I didn't mean porn, I meant something even better. A movie about them facing off with sea serpents and shit. There is no official trailer yet (just clips that don't work on my computer), but here is a taste of what's to come:
But wait, do you feel it isn't quite sexy enough? Let go of the emptiness inside, because the light at the end of the tunnel is Eric Roberts (who really is awesome) on subscription television:
Also looking forward to James Gunn's super-hero comedy Super. Starring, wait for it, Nathan Fillion, Rainn Wilson, Liv Tyler AND Kevin Bacon! What is not to like? Looking forward to the next movie by the creator of Slither
Trailer for 30 Days of Night: Dark Days
Steve Niles also has a shit ton of awesome comics to read as well, if you're interested (and you should be): Steve Niles Omnibus
American remake of Let The Right One In
LET ME IN (2010)
Looks like they're making a horror movie version of Little Red Riding Hood starring Amanda Seyfried.
I'm pretty hooked into Work of Art. I usually end up rolling my eyes at least six times per episode, but I'm loving it. I hope there is a season two. I'm pretty sad they kicked Ryan off, but he didn't fit; he's the least pretentious and actually has a sense of humor. It would be a super awesome idea if they made one for comic creators, and then I was on it. Submit that request to Bravo.
My Kelley Armstrong workshop was pretty fantastic I must say. I loved my classmates and my teacher. Her now book Waking the Witch was just released in the states, and is released in Canada August third (my birthday!). You should all check it out. Here's hoping all my writing will result in either an awesome first book in a series of novels, or an awesome first in a series of graphic novels.
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